Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Muscle Memory...

I should title this post "seven bodies" memory as well because what happened this week applies across the board...

Friday I went to a chiropractor, because although I have managed my pain since a car wreck six months ago with Reiki, I also read through my reiki that some bones were terribly out of place. The chiropractor confirmed through x-rays that my C-i, C-2, and C-3 are in a tragic state that if left where they are would lead to a lot of health problems...so I'm glad I went...and glad he's moving them back to a safer alignment...

However, there's this wonderful phenomenom called muscle memory, where the emotions of tragedy embed in the muscle (also in the seven bodies but that's for later in the blog). So, about six hours after my alignment I was waylaid by a sadness so deep that my heart was literally breaking, memories that I have blocked for two decades surfaced, and all I could do was rock and cry. The emotion from my first husband's car accident twenty years ago that left him a quadreplegic had been held in my neck all of this time and with the movement of the bone came a reliving of all of it...

I tell clients who come to me for Reiki that they may feel emotional...because like my healing event caused by the chiropractors hands...Reiki stirs things up and the path to healing is often acceptance, forgiveness, and release...

A tough order in some instances...

I am so grateful that Reiki can rescue me again, by empowering me to deal with the locked emotions that have been idling inside me for years.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Loved this post and your blog.
