So what is happening?
As your 7 bodies realign they begin to eliminate toxins that have built up and by toxins I mean every type of toxin...enviromental, medicinal, emotional, stress.
You may experience a time of feeling 'different' somehow...minutes, hours, or days. You may feel "fuzzy brained" or fatigued. A healing crisis may have only slight symptoms or they may be quite severe. Symptoms may be include sleepiness or fatigue, dizziness, thirst, nausea, cramps, diarrhea, headache, muscle or joint ache, head or chest congestion, coughing, etc.
In chronic conditions you may experience a temporary worsening of all symptoms and wonder if the treatment was successful.
How can you lessen the severity of a healing crisis?
Expect that it will come and prepare for it. Drink at least four 8 ounce glasses of water within 2 hours of receining the treatment or attunement to help flush the body quickly. Plan a day of rest. Your body will tell you what you need...listen.
After one of my first attunements, I craved Grapefruit Juice. I didn't just want it...I HAD TO HAVE IT. After telling one of my Reiki peers about the experience, he had a wonderful scientific reason for the mysterious craving, of which I remember absolutely nothing...except the part when he said, "You did the right thing, listening to your body."
With more severe symptoms, your body is trying to get your attention. A time of rest and reflection is required, and if making you have a big case of the flu is the only way to get you to stop and listen then that is how your body is going to get your attention.
I cannot stress enough that a Healing Crisis is a good thing.
The desired change is occurring so don't be alarmed. Relax. Let yourself heal.
I always tell my students to be careful what you ask for and how you word the request. It makes a difference. Sometimes just adding the word "gentle" to the healing request makes all the difference.
In most cases, the discomfort will pass in a day or two, sometimes a week, depending on how deeply the cleansing goes and depending on if you recognize what is happening as a Healing Crisis. That is very important in our "take a pill society" because taking that Aspirin, Theraflu, Pepto-Bismol, or antibiotics is not the answer you are looking for and in most cases will delay the actual healing or prolong the crisis because now, not only is your body trying to work the healing of the original intention, but now it is also having to rid your body of all the "extra" toxins you keep adding to alleviate the symptoms.
A follow up treatment of Reiki should help, so call your Reiki practitioner as soon as you realize that you are having a healing crisis.
Mentally help yourself recover. You know what your intention was for the healing, so go to your sacred place and envision a successful healing taking place in your body, mind, life. Imaging the negative influences (toxins) leaving your body. Imagine the negative emotions (anger, fear, hate) that have been holding back your progress leaving you, using whatever imagining works for you ex grey smoke, black ooze...
The most important thing is to realize that you are healing, you are getting your desired answers, you are in control and being empowered.