Saturday, July 14, 2012

Making Decisions... Being Authentic

I've decided to start giving tarot readings in addition to the reiki healing and classes Ive been teaching from my home. With the economy the way it is, I just can't manage rent for storefronts anymore. I've been blessed during my years at Eagle Family Martial Arts inside which I not only taught karate but also ran the Akashic Mind Body Spirit Center, where I sold my bonsai, practiced and taught reiki, and read tarot. Moving from their was painful after spending 20 years of my life there, but divorce happens and sadly I lost my business access along with my marriage. Of course I started again, opening Main Street Yoga, Reiki, and Tarot which was only a few blocks away so not really too far to keep in touch, right? You'd think... lsn't it funny how we can be a person for 20years and everyone thinks they know who we are and become so disillusioned when we sop living the roles for their reality of who they created us to be? Especially if we're still hiding parts of ourselves. My ex used to call me creepy, morbid, too much, too woowoo, too too much. And a whole bunch of people accepted that narrative because the alternative was having to rediscover who I was. Thankfully, I had six fabulous years living and building Main Street Yoga, Reiki, and Tarot, were I rebuilt myself from the soul out and I will always always consider those years my personal best because I became an authentic being and started owning who I was as a person. If you can't embrace your own fabulous and freaky, sometimes morbid and creepy, no one else will... right? So just own it. if you see dead people... if you have a personal relationship to those beyond the veil... if you talk to animals and they talk back... if you know things about people that you definitely should not know... Own that shit!