I haven't been blogging as much as I'd like to...busy summer, busy days...but that isn't really an excuse because I am so passionate about Reiki and the healing that has taken place in my life because of Reiki...
I feel like I should be doing more, giving more, teaching more...
That isn't to say that I don't use Reiki daily and some days more than others...only to say that I wish I could impact the world more than I am. And then there are days that meeting one person, touching one person makes me feel like I have changed the world(the Universe)in some profound way...but maybe only I changed.
Yesterday, I had a very distraught woman call asking for a psychic reading and having her just utter those worlds my third eye flared to life and I knew so much more than I wished to...I touched my forehead asking for a softer reading...and asked her if I could just throw the (tarot) cards for her. She agreed and I laid out a reading...the cards were for me proof of what I already "knew" in my mind...
To make a long story short, the woman's fears involved her marriage, the other woman, and what the other woman was capable of...
Fears I hear repeated over and over by so many clients.
What I usually say is "Hug yourself, Love yourself enough (respect yourself enough) to walk away from this man...because he is damaging you..."
From my experience, no woman wants to hear this. They want the magic elixir to save their marriage...to make their husband have eyes for them and only them again...
Few are brave enough to ask me for a spell.
She did.
I tried to explain my feelings on white magic, black magic (and gray magic)...
I tried to explain that any spell designed to affect his free will really wasn't in her best interest but that I would more than gladly prepare intention candles for her healing because that was truly what was needed. Healing to replace the energy he'd sucked out from her...healing to reinstate her mind, her body, her spirit to wholeness...
She begged and pleaded fr a spell and in her instance (because she so fervently believed that black magic was already being used) I wavered...but only long enough to smack myself in the head and tell myself "NO!"
Their are ethics to what I do as a Reiki practitioner...
I am no mere white witch.
I am no mere black witch.
I have the power of the entire universe at my disposal and with that power comes responsibility and self-control. Reiki heals. But in the wrong hands it can be changed and manipulated (one of the reasons Reiki is actually feared in some of the rural areas of Japan.) It is easier for Americans to embrace the white light and believe that with the true pureness of intention Reiki heals in a way that is for the good and betterment of all concerned...and that's exactly what I strive for...
It's all about intent.